Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I'm following Brett here, and posting my Introduction Poster online.

My name is Chris Aikens, and I can be reached at chris_aikens@tamu.edu. I am a 4th-year CPSC (keeping it old school) undergraduate. I'm taking 436 because it seems like a crazy awesome class over an interesting topic. I enjoy projects that focus on direct interaction with users, and therefore CHI is a surefire way to be exposed to the latest and greatest methods for making these interactions more complex, yet natural. In ten years, I expect to be working on some sort of software team making things that today we can only read about in science fiction novels. I see increased Connectivity and Augmented Reality as the future breakthroughs in technology. I like to compose digital music, read and write, and play video games. I also have an awesome cat.

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